How Does BioTracker Technology Work?

BioTracker technology has its origins in the early documenting of the body’s Energy flow (Chi, Life force or Yin and Yang energy) over thousands of years by Chinese and Japanese Acupuncture Practitioners. There were also other contributors, such as the early Greeks, who used electrical devices to treat patients, as well as the principle of “Similimum Similibus Curantor” (Like cures Like) as part of the healing process.
The 1800’s saw the advent of many persuasions in Medicine, one of which was Homeopathy. This concept’s resurgence from the early Greeks was expanded in form and showed more promise as a gentler healing art than the medical practice of blood-letting with leeches etc.
In the 1950’s, a German Physician by the name of Reinhardt Voll used a sensitive Analog Meter to measure resistance to a small electrical current passed via electrodes attached to a patient. Using a scale from 0-100 and working with the Classical Acupuncture Meridians, he realized that the measurements obtained had definite correlations to the health of the patient being tested. The combination of his findings along with the theories of Homeopathy and other Alternative Healing medical approaches has brought about Computerized Bio-Energetic Analysis.
As detailed on our Home Page, the BioTracker has developed and refined this technology, enabling trained Practitioners to successfully analyze and formulate “ideal” remedies for each individual client, and help restore them to optimum health. All the major Bio-Systems of the patient are analyzed and assessed to find perfectly tailor made recommendations. This is the key to restoring the individual to optimum health and wellness.
The DNA analysis you receive from our procedure is complementary to your own specific genetic makeup, and therefore Unique to YOU!
Results from clients with many different health problems have been very rewarding, often achieved after only one or a couple of DNA Analysis protocols are applied. The correlations drawn with the individual’s health conditions have been quite amazing. See for yourself.
Take the first step to better health by contacting Dan Tartaglia now to set up your free no-obligation consultation. Phone: 203-982-0743. Email: